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1995, August 11th, has been born a child of a soldier and a housewife. I don’t remember how I got out of my mother’s belly. Which I must have been sure, at that time my mother was very strong at risking her life to give birth to me. And my father is always working hard for us as a family.
Since childhood, I have a nickname “dede” or “dede nita” because I am a second child and my sister is called “teteh” (call for sister in Sundanese). Therefore, the people around me used to know me with “Dek nita”.

I spent my childhood in Cianjur city. 

All I remember when I started kindergarten school, I loved school so much. My mom says I’m happy to read even I’ve read fluently from the age of 6 years. First, my mother opened a small shop in the Cianjur’s Terminal in front of Ramayana Department Store. My mother’s small stall sells food and drinks as well as some basic foods and cigarettes. My father in addition to being a soldier also has a side job of having a public transportation (angkot) as well as an angkot driver. Occasionally my father’s angkot was also lent to other people and for the results. The lifetime of the terminal is very much in my mind. How not, more or less than 12 hours in one day I spent there. Playing in the terminal, learning, eating, everything in the terminal. Terminal people know me well. A lively child, a child of the army. Ha ha..

At the terminal, my friend was not only a kid of my age but also a lot of mothers and fathers I know well. One of them is very imprint that is an old women that I called Emak Bubur (porridge’s seller), Emak enjan (?) (I forget is this really her name or not) hehe .. This old women is very kind to me, I often follow her to her house when her porridge is gone. My mother also always allow me, because of her house in the direction of my house. Porridge store’s Emak right in front of my mother’s stall. And her house is about 300-400 m from my house. And now, I don’t know her condition. Maybe around 10-12 years, we are not meet again. I hope she always in a good condition until we meet again.
Did you know? When I was a child, I used to feel a plastic bag seller during rambutan. Because my mother has a shop, I get the plastic from my mother. Before in Cianjur, when the rambutan season rambutan traders are very busy opening a stall in front of the terminal (in front of Ramayana). The seller of plastic is not just me, but also many other small children even adults. Plastic sales are important because rambutan merchants do not provide plastic for the buyer. Because happy to see people busy selling, I idly follow them. When selling, I have a strategy to sell it cheaper than other sellers. When others sell plastic with the price of Rp 500, I sell it Rp 300. Hahaha .. The buyers who see and hear me of course very interested. I can sell cheap price because I get the plastic from my own mother’s stall .. wkwk 😅 After my plastic is gone, I go back to my mother’s stall and calculate my income. How glad to be able to earn their own income at that time
Oh yeah, I have a old sister who is 6 years older than me. Like any other child, I love playing, and one of my playmates is my sister. Quarrels between siblings are often happening .. haha .. I as her young sister very often told to order many things by my old sister. But I love playing with my sister. One day we cried together because our kitten died in his own father haha .. Cruelly the cat’s father. Oh yes, we used to have 2 cats, women and men. A female cat named “Si Manis” and a man called "Si Unyil”. I still have his picture on our family album.
And other things that memorable in my childhood when in Cianjur is my uncle. His name is Aa Epi. A Epi is the younger brother of my father. My sister and I were very close to her because she had lived in one house with us before she got married. Aa Epi often invites me to play and walk together. A Epi is like my brother because I don’t have a brother. After he got married and had children, I still play with him and certainly play with his son. Not infrequently I also eat together with them. However, the thing that I am most sad .. A epi has died when I was in high school. My last encounter with him was when I was in junior high (will be told next). Until now, I still remember my childhood with him. I wish A Epi calm there and accepted by Allah SWT. Aamiin ya rabbal aalamin..
And then, enough until here the childhood story of part 1. Here I show photos of my family when I was a child. In this photo, there is not my young sister yet (I also have a young sister. I will tell you in the next post.. ;) ). Can you guess how old am I at that time? :D

Thank you so much for reading my story..^^


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